Browse Items (10 total)

Misc. WWII christmas card 1940s.jpg

1956 Xmas Notice in Faatonu Newspaper Eng. 1jpg.jpg

Dec. 1948 Faatonu Xmas Notice..jpg

1930s card 2.jpg

Gov Dowling Xmas Card 1.jpg

1925 Xmas greeting..jpg
Xmas Holiday greeting published in an Am. Samoa Government newspaper. Governor Kellogs and Governor Stearns sent cordial messages to Am. Samoa and Guam.

Apollo 17 Xmas Memory..jpg
Local High School newspaper article about Apollo 17,

c1950 Am Samoa Christmas card.jpg
c1950 postcard with view of Fagatogo Malae area village and Govt. Bldgs.

Dec 1923 new yr art.tif
From the 1923 Faatonu Newspaper. Am. Samoa.

Dec. 1916 Newspapers Xmas Greetings Font..tif
From the Faatonu pubilc newspaper collection.
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