Browse Collections (13 total)

American Samoa Independence Day

American Samoa 1912 Independence Day Program..jpg

Public archives of the American Samoa Government

Contributors: Island Government of American Samoa.

Christmas memories.

Gov Dowling Xmas Card 1.jpg

Public archives regarding Christmas season.

Contributors: Office of Archives and Records Management
American Samoa Government

Discovery Day Holiday 2017

DOE Text c1930s. Pg 9.JPG

Sample Dept. of Education History Curriculum Textbook pages, c1930s.

Contributors: Office of Archives and Records Management
American Samoa Government

Dr. Martin Luther King Day

Am. Samoa News Bulletin cover Aug. 4 1965.jpg

Contributors: Dept. of Adm. Services
Office of Archives and Records Management
American Samoa Government

Labor Day

1940 Am. Samoa Payroll form..jpg

From the Faatonu Newspaper, a semi monthly newspaper of American Samoa 1904-1958.

Contributors: ASG Office of Archives & Records

Memorial Day

1926 Memorial Day Program.jpg

Archival photos and documents about Memorial Day in Am. Samoa.

Contributors: Am. Samoa Government Archives, Nat. Library of Australia, New Zealand Te Papa Museum and Wikipedia.

President's Day

President LBJ and Ladybird visited Am. Samoa in October 1966..jpg

Copies of American President public letters, treaties, proclamations, deeds, etc. regarding American Samoa

Contributors: Dept. of Administrative Services
Office of Archives and Records Management
American Samoa Government

Samoan Halloweens

All Souls Day Dance, 1941.jpg

Images of Halloween Custom in Samoa

Contributors: American Samoa Office of Archives and Records Management.

St. Valentines Day

Rare Valentine Ad from 2-8-65 Samoa Times.tif

Office of Archives and Records - American Samoa

Contributors: Office of Archives and Records - American Samoa


thks 2.JPG

1911 Governor Thanksgiving Day Holiday Proclamation

Contributors: Dept. of Adm. Services
Office of Archives and Records Management
American Samoa Government