Browse Collections (13 total)

Labor Day

1940 Am. Samoa Payroll form..jpg

From the Faatonu Newspaper, a semi monthly newspaper of American Samoa 1904-1958.

Contributors: ASG Office of Archives & Records

Discovery Day Holiday 2017

DOE Text c1930s. Pg 9.JPG

Sample Dept. of Education History Curriculum Textbook pages, c1930s.

Contributors: Office of Archives and Records Management
American Samoa Government

Samoan Halloweens

All Souls Day Dance, 1941.jpg

Images of Halloween Custom in Samoa

Contributors: American Samoa Office of Archives and Records Management.

Veteran's Day

c1942-45 Fita Fita March.jpg

Public archives about American Samoa Veteran's Day holiday.

Contributors: Office of Archives and Records Management
Am. Samoa Government


thks 2.JPG

1911 Governor Thanksgiving Day Holiday Proclamation

Contributors: Dept. of Adm. Services
Office of Archives and Records Management
American Samoa Government

Christmas memories.

Gov Dowling Xmas Card 1.jpg

Public archives regarding Christmas season.

Contributors: Office of Archives and Records Management
American Samoa Government

Dr. Martin Luther King Day

Am. Samoa News Bulletin cover Aug. 4 1965.jpg

Contributors: Dept. of Adm. Services
Office of Archives and Records Management
American Samoa Government

St. Valentines Day

Rare Valentine Ad from 2-8-65 Samoa Times.tif

Office of Archives and Records - American Samoa

Contributors: Office of Archives and Records - American Samoa

President's Day

President LBJ and Ladybird visited Am. Samoa in October 1966..jpg

Copies of American President public letters, treaties, proclamations, deeds, etc. regarding American Samoa

Contributors: Dept. of Administrative Services
Office of Archives and Records Management
American Samoa Government

American Samoa Independence Day

American Samoa 1912 Independence Day Program..jpg

Public archives of the American Samoa Government

Contributors: Island Government of American Samoa.